How South Africa Can Create Millions of REAL Jobs on Its Own Doorstep


The concept is mind-boggling, but the idea is simple – should we proceed down the westcoast, moving past Port Nolloth, also stopped in a tiny fishing village called Hondeklip Bay, we will locate a payoff of several 540 people, where the principal occupations are specialized in fishing and tourism – it lies about 95 km southwest of this district capital Springbok.

Many years ago, this village has been used as a harbour to export copper ore from the mines around Springbok but was later surpassed by Port Nolloth, which had a safer harbour together with a railway line.

Now, Hondeklip Bay is a favorite regional holiday destination and functions the fishing and diamond-mining community.

The mouth of the Spoeg River is situated about 18 km SSE down the coast from Hondeklip Bay. There are caves of archaeological interest there, attached to this Khoisan people.

The populace of the small fishing village is composed of several 540 souls. The main occupation that there, is connected to aquaculture – in fact, the breeding of Abalone or even Perlemoen since it is understood locally.

But that industry is just the beginning of something very arousing, which may place the occupations market alight across the country. But if we start with the Abalone, yet another opportunity presents itself, in fact a wealth of opportunities, which ideally would match the other person. But just how do we kick off this project?

We must commence right at the shore, by excavating a canal moving in land, and whilst we are doing that we’re able to extract the salt out of the ocean water in situ. That salt needs to be stockpiled, as it goes to be used in a later date to the creation of clean electric power.

The second step, is to plant many different Salicornia, that is grown very successfully in other regions of the Earth, especially where there is poor soil, maybe not normally appropriate for traditional crops.

Salicornia is a genus of succulent, halophyte (salt tolerant) plants that grow in salt marshes, on shores, and among mangroves. Salicornia species are native to United States, Europe, South Africa, and South Asia. Frequent titles for the genus incorporate glasswort, and pickleweed. Even the major European species is often eaten, called marsh samphire in Britain, and the key North American species is occasionally sold in grocery stores or appears on restaurant menus, usually as’sea beans’ or samphire greens.

But aside from being a delicacy, you will find a number of other applications for this particular plant, as it can be used to create jet fuel, flour for baking and facial oils. NASA is already working on the Jet fuel aspect.

We get onto the planting of bamboo, and this can be utilized , for various applications, including the manufacture of certain varieties of clothing, flooring, roof and household furniture. They are likely many, as yet unexplored, additional software it might be utilized for so well.cbd vape

Next, the planting of commercial grass or hemp – this is very exciting in South Africa at this time, because, with there is a strong movement to legalise using the derivatives of the plant – chiefly because of its treatment of cancer. It’s very important to not forget that the selling of medical marijuana has already become a valid product in 24 US states – the first of which was Colorado.

Now, all is that really is simply touching the products this one may grow, or produce insitu. Nevertheless, that the excavation of canals and also establishing of”Canal Stations” – bring it self to a kind of transport that’s common in different parts of earth, but perhaps not yet in South Africa – when that had been achieved, it could lead to a enormous ship or barge structure business.

This in turn, today leads us to the work market, and also each of the services and products previously, has a spinoff, so one would require labour to execute almost every aspect, from the planting into the construction also to the marketing.

Because the canals (and I say canals because they will become many more units developed along the outside of the coast) are transferred inland, this may lend it self into the backbone of a totally new type of cheap and viable transport over the country.